i-Club.com sucks! j/k

Get the WRX or wait for the STi... it's a really hard choice... it really all depends on what you plan on doing with the car. If you value you factory warranty more than anything and you want a fast car. Wait for the STi. If you don't mind voiding your warranty on a WRX to make it as fast as an STi, then get the WRX... you'll be able to extract more performance from it fort he dollar value than you would straight up paying for an STi.

I bought my 1999 Impreza 2.5RS and added an aftermarket turbo and all sorts of other goodies to the car. It's well over 320 hp right now... but I've obviously pretty much voided my entire warranty on the car. But it's been worth it. Even with the tiny ocassionaly problem I have it's been worth the thrill ride that my car has become.

And the biggest consideration of all... how much money are you willing to spend on modding the car? If you are going to do so? Because modifications on a Subaru do NOT come cheap. They are still such low production cars compared to Hondas and Nissans that the runs of aftermarket parts are much lower and you are going to eat a lot more of the R&D costs (which is usually nothing more than how much the company wants to charge you).

When you do decide to buy a car drop by i-Club and post in your regional forum to find out the best dealers in your area. If your in MA I know the NESIC forum is VERY active so you'll certainly get a reply right away.

As far as MA having high insurance rates... it may, but you certainly don't. I have a 1999 Impreza 2.5RS and I pay $2300 a year with a $1000 deductable. So count yourself lucky only paying $700 a year man! Maybe I should have stayed in MA and not moved to FL.

i-Club Imprezident
(that means I own and run it... and was just kidding about the SUCKS comment)