Just let me know how to mount /drive1. You can't just mount it with the line you posted for /drive0. There's no /drive1 entry in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab (error returned from mount).

Well put an entry there.

# /etc/fstab
# <device> <mountpoint> <filesystemtype> <options> <dump> <fsckorder>
/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults,ro 1 1
/dev/hda4 /drive0 ext2 defaults,ro 1 1
/dev/hda2 /usr ext2 defaults,ro 1 1
/dev/hdc4 /drive1 ext2 defaults,ro 1 1
none /proc proc defaults

Then you should be able to mount it with that command. If that STILL fails, try this:

/bin/mount -n -o remount,nocheck,ro /dev/hdc4 /drive1

Note that drive1 might be hdb4 on yours, it's hdc4 on mine. If so, adjust accordingly.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff