I think the 8193 should be 8192 here:

iBytesRead = read( fdConfigIni, szConfigIni, 8193 );

I don't think so... Read just reads into a buffer, it doesn't add a null or anything like that... Why would I need the extra byte?

Yeah, I'm mixing printfs and fprintfs. I started using printf()'s at first and later realized I should really use to stderr for real errors. The printf's were placed in real quick to help narrow down this problem and will later be dropped. In fact all this parsing code is probably going to get a real overhaul soon.

Thanks, but I think in my above post I figured out the real problem. I wish the Empeg would drop core dumps somewhere, but I realize it'd need a nice r/w partition to do that. Oh well.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff