Well, my question is how obscure do you want the suggestions? Do I have to mention Pink Floyd's DSOM, the Beatles' Sergent Peppers, Led Zeppelin IV, or The Doors? Or, to move up through the decades, Depeche Mode's Music for the Masses, Beastie Boys License to Ill, R.E.M.'s Document, the Smiths' Meat is Murder, or pretty much any album by The Police, all go without saying as being great albums. If you like hard rock, NIN's Pretty Hate Machine, Rage Against The Machine's self-titled album, Korn's Got The Life, or Nirvana's Nevermind are all very popular albums. Or Garbage's first album, Tori Amos' Little Earthquakes, or Radiohead's OK Computer.

I mean, I like all those albums, and they are all very popular...and very obvious, and you probably already know if you need these albums or not. Are you looking for the more obscure albums, the ones that everyone and their mother doesn't know about, or are you looking for more examples of the more mainstream popular albums?
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