albums on a "Desert Island Ten" aren't just there for how much you think of the album artistically, they're also there because of what memories that album brings back, or what moods you want to evoke with the albums.

Agreed. I think Earthquakes has a stronger hold on me for the exact same reasons that Pink does for you.

Anyone see "High Fidelity" with John Cusack? There's a scene where he's at a crossroads in his life, and he deals with it by reorganizing his record collection. A friend comes to his apartment to discover the boxes of albums strewn about the living room, and asks him how he's reorganizing them... Alphabetically? Chronologically? No... Autobiographically.

whether you allow the B-Sides disc on the desert island is another story.

Yes, it's allowed as long as it's not a greatest hits collection. There are plenty of double-album sets that I would expect to be in people's Desert Island Ten.
Tony Fabris