100 tracks.. that's a long list to write.. But I've always wanted to do it...

You guys might find this interesting. Here at MUSICMATCH, we have our internet radio product (Radio MX). Besides the custom radio stations, we have pre-programmed radio stations of all kinds. Everything from Alternative Rock to Big Band to Country.

In order to create a station, the radio team requires a minimum of 500 tracks in the playlist. There's some variation, but most hover around 500 tracks.

Now, think of your favorite genre...I bet you think it would be pretty easy to find the 500 tracks that really define that genre. Let me tell you, it isn't.

I built the Film Scores station (just launched this week). The first 100-200 were easy to get. Star Wars, Superman, Star Trek, anything by Bernard Herrman, lots of Danny Elfman, etc. I even got to 300 with not too much problem. But man, I really started running out of things. That's when I started to do research into the station. I was amazed at how much film music I had never heard but could not be left out. Max Steiner, Elmer Bernstein, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, etc.

Anyways, you should try this sometime. You'll be surprised with what you come up with.
__________________ Scott MKIIa 10GB - 2.0b11 w/Hijack MKIIa 60GB - 2.0 final w/Hijack