I have Frank Sinatra, Ice Cube, Enya, and Shostakovich on my Empeg and listen to them, but they don't make my desert island list...

I struggled with this. I mean, you want to have some variety on that island, right? Still, my few bits of classical didn't make it in until the "State Police 30"*

Then I start looking at possible subs like:

Shostakovich 11th Symphony (Stokowski) - if only for the 1st movement.
Cowboy Junkies - 200 More Miles
Lou Reed - Rock N Roll Animal (if for nothing but Intro/Sweet Jane)
Soundtrack - Until The End of The World (are soundtracks legal??)
Golden Palominos - This Is How It Feels
Sibelius - Symphony No. 2

I saw the mention of Cockburn's "Stealing Fire"...I could be tempted.....but I've already inflated (diluted?) the exercise. All I can say is that I have *no* plans, thankfully, to get stuck on a desert island.


(*State Police 30: this is where the cops show up to warn of approaching flood/hurricane/refinery fire and tell you that you have 30 minutes to grab what you can and go with the National Guard)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.