Gah, you've reminded me that not only do I have Family Guy episodes to archive, I don't even have all the episodes.

And I visited this thread forgetting it got a sub-thread of TiVO going. I see Bitt's link to TiVOApp and that's what I need. Now to get the card and drag my ass away from the 1942 game to get the Family Guy off the TiVo. It's about 20 episodes (AFAIK Family Guy is officially dead) taking space that can be used to save more stuff I can't watch because 1942 is a blackhole that sucks in my time and energy. I need my boat out of the shop so I can get this monkey off my back and go 70+ MPH on the lake again, those damn landing craft don't compare...
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX