Actually Ahnold is supposed to be a rather savvy real estate investor and I'm sure he's gotten a good grasp of the concept of law to be able to make the money he did in real estate. As for the recall, it's the political process at work, granted it was started by the Republicans that didn't want Davis in anymore, it is the process the State of California has in place, and it would have been wrong legally to not allow the recall election to go forth. Now, as for whether or not it will benefit the state is a different matter.
What I found humorous/disturbing is some interview I caught the other day with someone talking about California being the "pulse of the nation and where it's headed." I sincerely hope he had his head up his ass, because if the rest of the US goes the way of California, I'm moving to Mexico...
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX