> What were the concrete reasons that people didn't like Gov. Davis? I've yet to figure that out (not that I follow California politics closely).

Well, I live here and I could not figure it out either. I have been asking a lot of people recently why, and I am still kind of unsatisfied. I think a lot of people blame him for the energy problems and the recession, which is stupid; Bush and previous governor Pete Wilson are to blame for those things. He has raised the so-called car tax, the cost of registering your car, which seems like a reasonable tax to me given the nature of California politics. There are some other misc taxes and fees that have been raised, and it didn't help him that a lot of those bills came in in the last month. There is a lot of anti-illegal immigrant feelings here and his proposal for illegals to be able to get drivers licenses pissed a lot of people off. There seems to be a feeling that Davis has no morals or principles and is available to the highest special interest bidder. I think in that regard, anyone imagining that Arnold is going to be any better should have clued into his "I will not take special interest money" flip-flop, when he said he wouldn't, while he already was.

As for Arnold, I don't hate the man. I do not think he can handle the job though and I have little faith in his talents. I believe he is basically a good man though (groping aside) and I just hope that he doesn't screw it up too bad.

Of course, at one time, I felt the exact same way about Bush. That didn't turn out so well.

Spent the night reading, watching, and basically immersed in election news. Some of the better funny tidbits:

Arnold becomes the second actor from Predator to become a governor of a state. Carl Weathers said to be biding his time. - Commennts on Fark

I am sure Arnold will be a "hands-on" governor. - Arianna Huffington

Beaking news: Confused Al Gore demands recount - Letterman
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