Just thought I'd point out that Arnold appears to be getting a higher percentage of a higher turnout than Gray Davis
Yup. Very interesting. more people come out to vote NOW when if they had so many issues against him they should have voted LAST Nov. But, then we were presented with Simon or Davis... blech. The really interesting stats were on the Bay Area... i think it was 80% didn't want the recall. We should have our own country. heheh. this is pretty telling.

I'd rather we keep the First Ammendment intact, thank you very much!
That's all fine and good, but you have no qualm with the fact that mass media predicting an election while the polls are still open can affect the way people will vote? That fact doesn't bother you at all??

What were the concrete reasons that people didn't like Gov. Davis? I've yet to figure that out (not that I follow California politics closely).
I wish i knew why the mass of people dislike him. I personally dislike his corporate pandering and flip flopping, but overall, i never had the sense that he was a horrible governer. CERTAINLY not enough to recall him. I can't pin any of the economic downturn that we've had on him... but i haven't looked into it anymore than figuring out that the power crisis stuff had nothing to do with him. The most troublesome thing i saw last night were some of the exit poll interviews... where when people were asked why they wanted Davis out... they either completely fumbled and had no answer or gave ludicrous answers like "he was responsible for that oil thing". Which goes to my point on the media giving unfair time. The more i talk to people the more i see how uneducated about this entire situation people are... myself included. It's hard as hell to have time to learn on your own about these things, so people rely on what they see on TV and hear on radio. Don't dilude yourself into thinking otherwise.

Definitely. That's how they do the elections over here in louisiana
Yeah, that was one good thing about the political system of LA. Napoleonic code baby. Rock.
|| loren ||