they went on to demonstrate the musical ring tones at which point i tryed to give them the idea that they make you sound like a prat everytime your phone rings
I'd tend to agree with you, but I saw and heard the coolest thing the other day. (I may be easy to impress.)

A guy was in my office and his cell phone rang. It was one of those polyphonic ringers, but instead of playing some annoying pop music (like most of the people around me), it produced a crystal clear imitation of an old-time telephone bell ringer.

Of course, I haven't heard a bell ringer in years, as they've all been phased out by our robot-parrot sounding phones. It took me a minute to make the connect even after I saw him pull the phone out of his pocket and answer it. And it wasn't as harsh as bells can often be, either. Someone had put a lot of time into recording a nice sounding bell.

So, my point is that you don't have to be a prat every time your phone rings. You can just as easily put some mellifluous sound on there that actually indicates a notification instead of that you accidentally turned on your pocket transistor radio.
Bitt Faulk