I just refinanced a home.
Turns out the Patriot Act paperwork bureacracy has filtered into this as well.
I had to sign a Patriot Act document saying I was who I said I was and providing Xerox copies of my passport -- just in case some terrorist had decided that secretly assuming the burden of my home debt would further his nefarious ends.

What the hell are people thinking?

"May I help you?"
"Yes, I'd like 2 tons of fertilizer, some surface-to-air missiles, a couple of radio-controlled detonators, a jumbo jet filled with fuel, and ... um, would it be OK if I refinanced your house for you?"
"Uh, I can't help you with the high explosives, but I'll take you up on that whole house thing. I sure hate making house payments every month!"
"No problem, you capitalist swine, that's just part of our jihad against The Great Satan. We want to make sure you are all well-housed before we kill all you Westerners."
