Heh, this (in conjuction with SSN) is so different from universal ID card used in many European countries

No, Driver's Licenses are issued by state. So they wouldn't become a universal ID card unless (1) states were mandated to share information on these cards, (2) and unless social security numbers were required to get a card, (3) and unless digital thumbprints, signatures, and photos became mandatory for the cards, and unless (4) they were a mandatory form of ID for such things as boarding planes, or crossing state borders, or were documents required to be upon your person in case of arrest or surprise gestapo inspections.

Hey, wait a minute....

Come to think of it.....

Most of these changes have been slipped in one at a time over the past 10-12 years!

Items (1) and (2) went in under the guise of preventing "deadbeat dads" (men who leave the state and don't pay their child support).

Item (3) went in under the guise of "modernizing" as well as using the thumbprint for some anti-criminal or anti-deadbeat-dad justifications.

A lot of things in Item (4) took off after 9/11.

I guess all we need to make it a universal ID is some law that says it's illegal to be out in public without carrying one. And the link which started this thread makes it clear that that is coming soon. Already it's grounds for suspicion not to be carrying one. ("Are you trying to hide something.")

Looks like George Orwell might only have been off by 20 years.
"We have never been at war with Oceania."