I don't understand why the legality of the Patriot Act hasn't been tested in court. Doesn't it violate the Constitution and nothing trumps the Constitution except for an ammendment to it?

Just look at the second amendment. It's been infringed for 70 years. Ironically, many people who are against the Patriot Act are for violating the 2nd amendment to the Constitution.

Or how about how the same people that blamed 9/11 on Bush because he "faiied to connect the dots" and "it happened on his watch" then go and take away the means to actually connect those "dots". These are the same laws that law enforcement has been able to use on organized crime for years. Simple concepts like a roaming wire tap. On December 31st, the "wall" that forbids the CIA from sharing information with the FBI (which could have prevented 9/11) goes back into effect. And all of these a-holes voted for the thing after 9/11 because going into the 2002 elections, they dared not vote against it. But now, even the headline admits that they don't see this as a hinderance to national security, they see this as a "stinging blow to Bush."

Like Iraq, all they see is political gain (both when they all voted for it and when they opposed it). I have more respect for the guys that opposed either the Patriot Act or the war in Iraq from the beginning than these spineless twerps who wet their finger to see which way the wind is blowing.
Brad B.