I don't understand why the legality of the Patriot Act hasn't been tested in court. Doesn't it violate the Constitution and nothing trumps the Constitution except for an ammendment to it?

Just look at the second amendment. It's been infringed for 70 years. Ironically, many people who are against the Patriot Act are for violating the 2nd amendment to the Constitution.

*Your interpretation* of the 2nd amendment has been "infringed on" for 70 years. Unless you were present at the signing of the Constitution, or are currently sitting as a judge on one of America's courts, your interpretation is no more or less valid than anyone else's.

The "infringement" you speak of is what supreme court justices call "rulings," and "rulings" become "precedents." In the 70 years you speak of, we've had courts on the left, right, and center of any issue you can think of,who have all decided that "a well regulated militia" does not constitute unfettered access to any and all firearms. The very loose restrictions that are in place over gun ownership in this country represent the very least we can do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. The arsenal that one can currently accumulate with almost no red tape, with gun show loopholes, internet ordering, etc. is astounding, and has only expanded under the current political regime. I think the NRA's current work is trying to allow minors to use the BFG-3000 for deer hunting, because that's about all that's left of gun control.

Not that this tangent has anything to do with the PATRIOT act... The fact that you had to bring up gun control in this discussion shows that you're "out of ammo."
- Tony C
my empeg stuff