Jakob Nielsen

Master of minimalist, usable, UGLY-ASS design.

I wanted to quickly point out here that I didn't mean to imply I was on board whatsoever with Nielsens' "UGLY-ASS minimalism." Nielsen has a lot of ideas, many of them rather terrible. I only cited him because he wrote an article once called "Flash: 99% Bad". Of course, he is also apparently somewhat of an arrogant jerk by many reports. Also, after he was hired by Macromedia, he wrote an article titled "Flash: 99% Good". So you really can't place too much weight on such a self-serving weasel.

Tufte, on the other hand, I am totally on board with his books and graphic methods for books and charts. However, I'm still a little bit skeptical of any of his web prowess, since I think he still says "computer displays are not dense enough to display information well" so I suspect any of his web-related efforts are somewhat half-hearted -- though I could be wrong on that count.
Also, he was one of the first people to go on a long extended "PowerPoint Sucks" rant, so I respect that!