Thanks for the tips

I will give it a go with the 230v to 25v @50Hz transformer I have and see how it works.
I have been messing around with the "scrap" wall boxes I got hold of and have got a working 3W1 like yours out of them so far. Well I say working I am having trouble with a leaf switch just to the left of the motor. It seems to be worn, and the adjustment is very fine, but I can get it to select what I want now

They really are amazing devices, it's all a bit like black magic how it works, but as I make my way around the mech I am starting to make sense of it all.
I also have all the parts for the serial lead, so in the next couple of days I should have the chance to get it all up ad running.
Thanks again, I'll post here when I get it hooked up and working (or not!)