Chris what have you done to stop eating in the car ?
Just will power I'm afraid. I do keep a bottle of water in the side pocket most of the time now though.
I used to be one for picking up a couple of bags of sweets when paying for fuel, I'm not perfect I break the new rules sometimes, but it's usually just tictacs or something. The past few weeks I have let some bad habits return, which to be honest has been great to realise that it's me that is the problem and that I know what happens if I eat that stuff.
I am not a fan of diet drinks, I have too many at the moment, it's the next thing I am going to cut out. Not for loosing weight just to be more healthy.
The biggest problem I have is eating out at midday. It's just carb central, it's so hard to get something nice that is also balanced. Most prepared salads seem to have pasta, cheese and mayo in them, not exactly a healthy option! Lunch times = bad times
