Originally Posted By: msaeger
I have been going to Taco Bell at ordering off the Fresco menu which is not that unhealthy. Now I need to stop getting crap from the convenience store on the way home. I have stopped doing this before I just seem to start again.

I just wanted to alert you to one trouble area that always sneaks in on me. There's one particular component of foods that I always get thrown by and that's sodium.

In the store it's pretty easy: usually if it has any type of sauce, it has a TON of sodium. Again, the stuff in the middle of the store. I've completely avoided frozen dinners for years now because of this, as well as ramen and the like. Sadly, every once and a while I revert to being 10 years old and just have to have Kraft Mac n Cheese smile

But when I'm out to eat, sometimes sodium levels are deceptive. This, Matt, is where I wanted to mention that you should check Taco Bell's nutrition page. A few of the Fresco items are okay (like a couple of the chalupas, oddly), but it depends on how many of them you get. But their salads are friggin' loaded with sodium, like 1100-1350mg of it, which is right around half the daily value.

Anyway, just wanted to make sure you check the nutrition of stuff you think you're going to eat regularly. I've found that to be pretty helpful for myself. For example, the Swiss Oatmeal is fairly low in everything but sugars, which could be better. But I'm getting a good amount of fiber.