If there are any empeggers who are either lawyers or recruiters, then they are the exception to my next statement, but otherwise, if stranded on a desert island with nothing to eat, it's hard to say which get eaten first, the recruiters or the lawyers. That should tell you something of the way I feel about recruiters in general.

I remember an interview where somehow my resume was handed to a potential employer where all of the bullet points under my job history were jammed together into one paragraph without punctuation.

Really Neato Job
  • Important Task 1
  • Important Task 2
  • Other Aspect of stuff I did


Really Neato Job
Important Task 1 Important Task 2 Other Aspect of stuff I did

Of course, seeing that made me realize the great care the employer had gone to to find quality people for the job (they ended up offering me the job at a higher pay than I was currently making, and I turned it down because I determined they were evil).
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.