Originally Posted By: Phoenix42
They can slap their header on the Word version of your resume. This is something that irks me, my resume is mine, don't fritz with it.

Well, I just got some confirmation that the reasoning for wanting a Word doc is so they can edit it.

I have an interview tomorrow and the recruiter involved requested that I take printed copies of my resume. He then told me to take the one attached to the email. I never provided them with a Word doc (I don't have a copy of Word and I don't really feel like recreating it anyway), but the attachment was in that format.

It would seem that someone recreated my resume, poorly, redacted all of my personal information (except my name), and replaced it with the recruiter's information.

I happen to be very interested in this job, and the two phone interviews I've already had have gone well. That means that I'll wait until after I have an offer to yell at the recruiter instead of doing it immediately.
Bitt Faulk