Originally Posted By: peter
Originally Posted By: Roger
I always take an unadulterated copy of my CV with me to interviews...

Following a spectacularly cross-purposed interview I had last year, I'm thinking of also taking an unadulterated copy of the job description I'm applying for, in case it's not what the interviewers start interviewing me about.

I had one of those interviews, a long time ago. They started asking me all these questions that I just sat there going "ummm....", while I watched them putting big ol' x-marks all over their notepads. About half-way through, I asked them what job they were interviewing me for, because it didn't sound like what I had applied for. The one, I was qualified for, and capable of. No so much for the other. But do you think they started over? Oh, no. They just mumbled a bit about how the skills are transitory, and you'd need them for both positions (which was patently absurd), then asked one or two token questions relating to the position I had applied for. And that's how I ended up not working for Softimage (which, retrospectively, turned out to be a good thing).