Hijack already does monitor the serial port for exactly those bits of information, and it stores them in /proc/empeg_notify for use by other apps. When I do the BT stuff within the empeg, that's where I'll read it back from.
But /proc/empeg_notify has only what the player feeds it via the serial port today. It is missing the same stuff you need. So it follows that I will have to run off and look up at least some of it (eg. Album title).
The place to get it from is the tag file in the fids directory. Here is a sample tag file:
title=Now And Then
artist=Arlo Guthrie
source=Alice's Restaurant
Anything in there is doable. Anything beyond there is getting a bit complicated. There is no "
Album" field, but "
Source" appears to be more or less equivalent, so that's one item down. The track "
duration" is also available (yay!).
Those two are relatively "easy" to get, and Hijack could indeed inject them into the appropriate place within the output stream on the serial port. Since I will need them anyway, most of the work in obtaining them has to get done regardless.
Beyond that, things get fuzzy:
tracknr is not useful, as what we really want is
track position within the current
playlist, which is already there (whew!).
Which leaves just the number of such tracks in the playlist. That info is more difficult to come by. We know where it is, and how to read it though, but it will require more than a bit of work to obtain.
I suggest just faking that for now if possible.