I haven't really followed too much lately but can you start module with your code and then just hold the Arduino in reset or something or put it to sleep? The BT module should continue to play independently shouldn't it?
I don't have access to a scope but that idea sounds interesting. I'll see what I can do in that regard. (Update: It appears as though all I have to do is ground the RESET pin for as long as I want, so that is a great test, thanks for the suggestion!)
I've also been reading some things on the interwebs about how unused input/output pins on an integrated circuit can act as little noise antennas, and the Arduino Mega has a f*ckton of those. I might be able to solve the problem just by pulling them all low (i.e., a code fix instead of a physical redesign). I'm going to try that tonight.
More info in the
bug thread if you want to join in there.