I ran into a snag today that I'm wondering if anyone knows the solution to.
The Arduino IDE prompted me for an update, it said "There is an update to some of your BOARDS". When I selected to confirm the update, it launched the boards manager (you can see this yourself by opening Arduino IDE, selecting "Tools", "Board", "Boards Manager"), and it updated the boards, the section titled "Arduino AVR Boards". It updated them from version 1.6.20 to version 1.6.21.
Predicting that this would likely have an effect on my tweak to the serial buffer sizes, I checked the file where I had increased the serial buffers, and indeed the file had reverted to pre-modification state, so I re-made the edit to the file as described
here in my readme file.
But it doesn't work. With version 1.6.21 of the "Arduino AVR Boards" in the Arduino Boards Manager, editing the buffer sizes in "HardwareSerial.h" no longer affects the serial buffer size. I run my program, and it's still got the smaller 64-byte buffers.
I fixed this issue by rolling back to version 1.6.20 of the "Arduino AVR Boards". Now my edits to HardwareSerial.h work again and allow me to control the buffer sizes.
What I'm having trouble figuring out here is how to edit the buffer sizes in 1.6.21 of the "Arduino AVR Boards". Anyone know?
I'd ask this question on the Arduino forums, but when I try to access them, I get error 504 Gateway Time-out.

In the meantime, I've edited my instructions to include the rollback.