Originally Posted By: mlord
From the sound of it, Apple didn't really get on board. They added new incompatibilities to it all, and then got on board with THAT. smile
Before USB came about it was bad. Many of us remember struggling with dozens of cables and connector variables, chargers, power adapters, video, serial, parallel, SCSI, PS/2, Firewire, and on and on - proprietary stuff everywhere and myriad ‘standards’.

USB is better than that. But the USB standards group itself is quite a mess, spawning a multitude of variations and incompatible dead-ends. And so many different version names and USB related logos.

USB 3.1 physical B connectors were weird.
ThunderBolt before the USB-C connector was sorta proprietary

USB-C holds (held?) such great promise. One connector, works everywhere.
And ThunderBolt was going to be the superset ‘standard’, driven by Intel, supported by the Windows OEMs and Apple. And we sorta got there.

Alas, here we go again with more USB-C variations and versions.