Yep... I suppose I am looking for an easy way to mark a track while driving... cos hunting for the remote, which I rarely use when in the car, is annoying and often means I don't bother to mark a track I would otherwise mark for attention...

What would be nice would be to have menu of configurable shortcuts... ie I could add Mark, Info, Set as Bookmark 1, Get Bookmark 1 to my shortcut menu... and others might add a different set of things they want to get quick access to... These are not quite things you can do with a userspace menu... unless we have some way of attaching these capabilities to menu items we add... call it being able to add a menu item that calls a builtin function rather than only being to add menu items for user defined functions...

Further along this line... having written a patch to allow overriding of the power connector detection (I'll hopefully have it tidied up and available tomorrow), it might be nice to be able to change from in-car mode to in-house mode on the fly... (not sure if the player would keep up with this mind you)

Did any of that make sense...?

