Hmm. I got the empegtest to build (I think) but when I run it, it draws a few boxes on the display and then I get this:

empegtest(47): memory violation at pc=0x02001d3c, lr=0x02001824 (bad address=0xbf7ffff8, code 0)
pc : [<02001d3c>] lr : [<02001824>]
sp : bf800008 ip : bf800008 fp : bf800020
r10: 00000000 r9 : 00000000 r8 : 0000000c
r7 : 0000000c r6 : 0000000c r5 : 02015230 r4 : 00000000
r3 : 00000001 r2 : 00000000 r1 : 0000000c r0 : 02015230
Flags: nZCv IRQs on FIQs on Mode USER_32 Segment user
Control: D020D17D Table: D020D17D DAC: 00000015
Function entered at [<02001808>] from [<020024a0>]
r6 = 02015230 r5 = 00000001 r4 = 0000000C

I couldn't build the player because a player.h file was missing. I'm a little confused why the empegtest works for a few seconds and then bombs out. I have to reboot the Empeg to get it to stop dumping those memory violation errors...

Here's what I did. I grabbed the gd library 1.8.1 as you used. I had to make some modifications to the Makefile since I'm cross-compiling (I'm assuming you compiled yours right on your Empeg? The Makefile you provided looks like a straight-up compile rather than a cross-compile.) Anyway, once I build libgd.a for the Empeg, I did a make empegtest and after some futzing with it, got it to build. However I'm getting the above error... Any ideas?

Thanks for stopping by again!
- Tony C
my empeg stuff