God life confuses me. I am raised with parents and grandparents who have retired from the service and have had wave after wave of patriotic speeches from them about how America is the greatest country on the face of the planet, and how I should thank god everyday that I live here and not some doomed third world country. I have heard how Mexico is the armpit of the North American continent, and how the French don’t bathe, and now that Arabs are taking over. And then I read that people obeying societies rules are being imprisoned. I am not trying to paint the people as martyrs, but something doesn’t make sense and I just know that my generation will pay for these things. I don’t have the voice to stop them now and in all truth if my country asked me to fight for her I would, but I know arresting those people wasn’t right (just as it was not right to arrest the Japanese in WWII). I know they had legal recourse to do so but it doesn’t make it just. And the whole damn thing confuses me.
_______________________________________ former owner...now I'm just another schmuck