I'd rather be in a...

«» US Japanese internment camp instead of a German concentration camp.

«» Country where you can buy beer and its not crime.

«» Place where women can go to school and not be covered in a black bed sheet from head to toe.

«» Country where suicide bombers are not blowing up every other convenient store.

«» Land where you can practice you own religion and not have to worry about being stoned.

«» Country that DOES inconvenience a few aliens that may be bringing a piece of there B.S. country’s traditions over here, like terrorism.

«» Country where you CAN own a gun.

If these aliens they don’t like how they are being treated GO HOME. We have enough people here anyway. But I’m sure they won’t because it’s worse where they came from.

And another thing, you can ignore it, but “Profiling Does Work!” How many times have you seem a 80 year old woman suicide bomber, never? How many times have you see a young male Arabic suicide bomber?

I guess we should just open up the country’s doors to all these nuts and watch our buildings being bomber and knocked down by airplanes one by one.

Hopefully the US will get a bad reputation and these foreigners will stay THERE.

I’m sure I’ve pissed off most of you liberals and the flames will roll but just like you, I have a right to my opinions because I DO LIVE in a great country.