If the US has a problem with tracking down people with expired visas, I (and so do a lot of people) fail to see how fingerprinting & photographing people from *selected* countries at the border helps.

Another point to note is being fingerprinted and photographed is not out of the norm in this country. In the state of Georgia at least, everyone gets fingerprinted (actually your index finger on both hands is scanned into a computer) and photographed when they get or renew their drivers license. So, although other people *may* be getting photographed and and fingerprinted at the border, US citizens of all races are required to do the same thing. As a matter of fact, whenevever my drivers license expires I am required (or you coud say *rounded up*) to get a new picture and fingerprints taken or risk being arrested.

If only certain races are being finger printed (hopefully scanned) and photographed at the boarder I think that is wrong unless they have a valid US drivers license; enveryone's fingerprint and photograph should be on file just as mine is with the state of Georgia.