Hey -- I'm not attacking you. We all have rights to our opinions and you seem to be doing a good job of expressing them. It's not his beliefs that I'm discouraged by (well, okay, I am, but that's beside the point), it's his methods and attitudes.

    How do we do that?
I don't know. Good question.

In this situation, try to support the people being harrassed. Join the ACLU. Write your congressmen. Just be friendly to the Arabic guy at work (no more or less so than the black, white, oriental, or purple guy, though). Just treating people like people is the best first step. Trying to convince others to do the same is the logical second step.

Of course, I'm quick to anger and I hold a grudge a long time, so those people would be well advised to not stab me in the back. Of course, misplacing that anger is something I try very hard to avoid, and in situations where my anger would affect someone who might not deservie it, it doesn't get expressed. Why my government can't work the same (IMO, reasonable) way is beyond me.

But, back to the question, you have to wonder why Strom Thurmond got elected for the last, what, 40 years, for example? He never enacted any useful (whether positive or negative) legislation. Never sponsored bills. Never did much of anything. Why was he still there? IMO, because people are scared of change. People need to elect representatives in order to express their ideals, not in order to be led. A simple attitude change could help.

I guess what I'm saying is that you should be engaged in your community, not simply a member of it. Speaking out (in an intelligent manner) helps.
Bitt Faulk