
The behaviour you're looking for is almost the same as if you search and insert, but I can see two differences:

First, with Search/Insert, the current playing song isn't stopped, but you're just a press of the skip button away from what you want.

Second, if you search and insert, the "current playing order" (what you call playlist here:)

>skip over the other songs to the newly selected song, and
>start playing that song without changing the playlist

is modified. But why bother? In fact, the playlist itself isn't modified: it is still exactly as you saved it from emplode and and will reappear as "brand new" when you'll reselect it from the playlist menu. You can't do anything permanent to playlists from your car.

The rest of the "current playing order" will remain unchanged after search (as if you never searched), as you wished.

So, does it help?