Well thank's to everybody for all of the imput. In reply to genixia's post. I actually have like 8 different playlists divided from the one big one but my point in starting this post was to see if anybody could come up with a way to make this search mode a reality. Not everybody has the time to rip their entire cd collection and upload it onto their mp3. Also many people don't have and don't want to spend money on a good mp3 tagger so that they can create mood lists like was mentioned before. Personally I have 1 big playlist and like 3 smaller sections of the playlist. I don't have a tagger so I had to go through each and every song and put down which genre I wanted as I was uploading it. If I had this search mode, I wouldn't have had to do any of that. I just would've kept all of my fav. songs on one playlist and skipped around to whatever I wanted to play in the way I've mentioned before. For now I will try mlord's knobseek and bookmark. This is not optimal and I still would like to see if somebody could write something to actually give the mp3 the more functionality that it needs.