Well thank's to everybody for all of the imput. In reply to genixia's post. I actually have like 8 different playlists divided from the one big one but my point in starting this post was to see if anybody could come up with a way to make this search mode a reality.
Anything is possible, but what you are asking is not available today. This would require re-coding of the player software or a hack on top of the player software to make it work, both not likely unless there is huge demand.
Not everybody has the time to rip their entire cd collection and upload it onto their mp3. Also many people don't have and don't want to spend money on a good mp3 tagger so that they can create mood lists like was mentioned before.
How long have you been using your Empeg? I'm just wondering, since it has a tendancy to change the way you listen to your music. Since what you desire is not quite available yet maybe you could try to put fourth a bit of effort and see what happens. I've personally spent many hours re-tagging a lot of my music. It was all well worth it since now I have all my music tagged exactly the way I want, and I can shift my music to fit my moods very easily as a result.
MP3 Tag Studio is what I use and it is fully functional without registering (although it is worth the $20 I spent to register it).