Okay, I have my big playlist organized alphabetically. I think yn0t_'s comment put it best. Here it is:

"FWIW, I can actually understand why one might want this, but only in a scenario where your playlists have some specific sequence built into them. If the playlist is shuffled, then the effect becomes a lot like doing an Insert and then skipping a track. If the playlist is in order, however, the proposed functionality becomes a lot more like if you had an MP3 CD with 150 tracks on it and you're on track 30, but you want to skip ahead to track 120, and then listen to 121. In the empeg methodology, you can search for 120, but after it's done, it's going to play track 31.

I personally wouldn't have a whole lot of use for this search mode, but that doesn't mean it's not a valid request. Your listening and organizational strategies and mine aren't the only valid ones on the planet. "

When I use the search and insert mode, the alpha sorting gets all messed up. Granted you could just reload the playlist to bring it back to normal but that just seems inconvenient to me. As far as flowing smoothly from one to another, think about this scenario. I'm listening to rap and my girlfriend calls and pisses me off. Then I want to listen to hard rock. At this time I don't want to wait for it to flow into the song that I choose so then that 'advantage' means didly squat:) Sure the song is only a press away but why make it like that when you don't need to?? Those would be the 2 main advantages that I can think of: It doesn't mess up your alpha order of play and it simplifies the search process by a step. You ask why it's critical that I have this, it's not critical, I just think it would be a great improvement in my and I'm sure other people's cases. Have I answered your question?? P.S. I understand the diff. b/t enqueue and insert. P.S.S. I did mean after not in front of the track.