
How much soda drinks do most of you drink in the average day?


* ok, so it isn't zero, but I probably only drink two or three cans of Coke Zero a month, so it is close to zero

Zero for me. I haven't had a sip* of soda in over three and a half years. It always made me feel like crap, so one day I just said "That's it," and I never drank the stuff again. The only carbonated beverage I drink is sparkling apple cider.

*OK, I must also qualify my response. I've had exactly two sips of soda, both at the same time. A friend had found a soda in a local store called "Cel-Ray," which touted the dubious distinction of being the only soda to be celery flavored. I simply had to taste that. The funny part is, I hadn't had soda in two years, so when I sipped it, all I could taste was an extreme amount of sugar. Then *POW*, the distinct and dead-on taste of celery.

It was weird.