We know Peter picked up Sylar's telekinesis, and that wasn't originally Sylar's power. If it truly is a passive thing, though, then Peter should have other powers stolen by Sylar (e.g., great hearing). The exact interaction between Peter's power and Sylar's stable of powers clearly has yet to be spelled out.

Meanwhile, I'm modestly annoyed about Sylar and his super-hearing as well as Peter and his mind-reading. We know that the original holders of those powers had to work for quite a while to master their powers, and the super-hearing woman required an iPod. Sylar's already jumped way past that. Likewise, Parkman took a while to figure out how to shut out all the noise from crowds. It's as if Peter and Sylar have both broadly mastered the ability to control random powers.

For the most recent episode,

V nterr gung Q.Y. fubhyq unir tenoorq Avxv naq cunfrq gurz bhg, be neenatrq sbe gurz gb snyy guebhtu gur sybbe. Ba gur bgure unaq, ur'f orra fubg orsber. Ur pyrneyl unfa'g znfgrerq uvf bja cbjre lrg.

Nyfb, jvgu Grq'f novyvgl gb tb obbz, lbh'q guvax ur'q chg hc zber bs n svtug ntnvafg Flyne.