... Since he just picked up Isaac's abilities, he can now see that NY gets destroyed. He's painted himself next to Ted (mr energy) and due to his own greed up to this point, assumes it will be him who will be responsible for the explosion. Isaac also mentioned that he would be stopped/killed but didn't say how.

For Matt, you misunderstood Glenn's post. He didn't man to imply "timeline" as in the future episode we saw. He just meant that it's a possibility Sylar was conscious within Hiro's frozen instance of time (like Peter in the episode future Hiro visits him in the subway).

What I think happened is that Hiro froze everything, but that for him to be able to hack on Syler he has to unfreeze him. Except that he hesitated, giving Syler just enough time to use his various (known) powers.

A Sci-fi author can do just about anything, but he can't break the rules he has laid down for his universe. ... Syler can only have those powers he has killed for, he hasn't killed Hiro, so he can't bend time. Freezing someone by using TK shouldn't be confused with time bending.

Since paranormal powers are central to the Heroes story, yes they can introduce chars. with new stuff any time. Though this deep into the season, it seems a little strange to still be introducing new talent.

... one of the atrociously written web comics...

The comics seem to be part of the attempt at a Multimedia experience.
I suspect that by not having read the graphic novels, in a timely fashion, I'm missing some of the plot - for sure I'm missing background info, or I'm getting it out of context. ... I wasn't ready for that.

"Atrociously" only scratches the surface. Trying to present a graphic novel on a web page without taking into consideration the limitations of that format is ridiculous. When I zoom out to see the graphic, I can't read the text. Zooming to read the text makes the graphics incomprehensible. Swapping back an forth, saps the experience. It becomes too much work. Who ever is doing the graphic art needs to be introduced to the clue bat.