Ok, this is the new Heroes thread so we can stop using spoilers tags in the other, now way off topic, thread.
######################################################### WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!#########################################################This thread discusses the TV program Heroes, including past episodes, current episodes and speculation on future plot and development.
If you are following the series but have not seen the most recent episode, note that you can and will likely find what you may consider spoilers (details you may not ant revealed prior to having them revealed within the show).
If you won't want to risk reading spoilers or don't want to read speculation and other nerdy commentary on this TV program, then please back out of this thread and do not read any further.
#########################################################Re: Sylar and Hiro's recent encounter. I didn't mean to imply that Hiro brought Sylar with him into the frozen state. By whatever means, Sylar either broke the time shift completely, or first broke it only for himself (it breaking for everyone/thing else again by Sylar's will or Hiro's surprise and lapse of concentration).
Of course it's possibe none of these things are an explanation and the writers just decided to do this without concern to any "laws of hero powers"

I do recommend reading the Wiki character profiles. You can pick up a lot of background information there without having to read the online comics. I just read a few things today that my girlfriend and I had simply guessed/speculated ourselves earlier.