He's probably a great cheerleader now though.


Yeah, I just got finished reading all the web comics. They really are pretty bad, though I think they improved (to merely bad, starting from awful). Bitt was right, though - if anyone here is into Heroes you should check out the "War Buddies" series. It's the only one that really adds to the show, as you get some much needed source of one of the characters motivations/backstory.

Bruno - yes, Sylar first used freezing in his first comic, but he didn't get anything from the truck driver. Actually, I think he says that the man has no abilities. Plus he kills him with flying broken beer bottles, so...

Oh, and earlier on the pacing stuff, I guess I meant the pacing of individual scenes. The episode flowed fine, but sometimes characters' lines felt rushed. Maybe it's a problem of trying to fit so many characters/plotlines in an hour.