Old Hero did the kill your father thing by influencing the past, influencing Peter, Ando, and Young Hiro. It's a time paradox, or not, the Many Worlds theory of time was proposed to cover that kind of thing. So what young Hiro brought back was a changed mindset. He doesn't become General Nakamura.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying.

I think you're misunderstanding me as well. I already said that Future Hiro changed the past by telling Peter to save the cheerleader. That act lead to Claire living to meet her father, Nathan, and getting him to stop the bomb from happening, although presumably that would have happened in the future episode as well, so there's paradox #1. That action of relaying the message to Peter on the subway is independent of what happens in the future episode. It's implied that, as of that episode, the disaster still occurs, so the only people who know it does are Hiro and Ando, but I don't see what they did to keep it from happening, unless it was really Sylar that exploded, which still wouldn't make sense because he wouldn't have survived it to take over the Presidency.

The other thing that bothers me is that it wasn't explained why Peter blew up. He was able to control it earlier, but not later? That seems odd. Was Sylar causing him to overload or something?