Originally Posted By: Cris
But it leaves me thinking what is the point at all ???

Originally Posted By: andym
This model looks to me like a technology demonstrator. I assume they'll sell a bunch, which will possibly appease their investors. Then in a few years time, after it's gone through a couple of generations of development, one of the existing camera manufacturers will license it (no doubt the technology is already suitably patented up) and incorporate it into a P+S.

I think Andy is spot on here. The startup environment right now is one that forces a little more then just a good idea and technology demo. Investors are looking for more solid things to invest in, resulting in startups having to turn into full on businesses to prove themselves. The technology also needs to evolve, and one way to help do so is to build it out and learn lessons from that process. Much like many things in life, this is one of those iterative situations. Digital cameras date back to the 70s, but took decades to mature to the point they became common consumer items. The tech behind Lytro and similar tech is also probably a decade out from common use, and these are the first baby steps.