Eh, I think there's some false equivalence going on here. There's a big difference between having different opinions and being an uninformed Neanderthal. This is the kind of place where, if you're in the first category, I think you're treated pretty kindly by most people, whereas if you're in the latter, you're going to get a bit bruised and bloodied.

I do think the makeup of the commentariat has changed over time, and we have lost some of our more prolific and interesting characters. I still think what's left is a great community, and we've had new folks join who have added fresh perspective -- though maybe not enough to replace some who've left.

I participate a lot in off-topic threads here, and I'm not shy about sharing my opinion, but I always aim to do so from an empirical standpoint, trying to understand the other side's view, but also offering data to support my own view. Who you vote for is your damned business, but if you have an opinion on something that's easily undermined by available data, I think it's worth asking you where you're coming from, and for data that supports your view. I've learned things from others here that I didn't know, and those facts have helped inform my views on various matters in a positive way.

So, I really don't think things have gone as far downhill as you suggest, and I certainly don't agree with your suggestion that we're all lock-step lemmings who try to push out people with opposing views -- but if you're going to make a statement, you ought to be prepared to support it.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff