Sorry. I can't find the post, so I'm probably wrong about who posted it. I apologize for jumping the gun there. I will look a bit more, but it's like finding a needle in a hackstack without knowing the exact combination of words.

I'm not here to make enemies. I've just been checking the board over the past few days because I feel the need to back-up Cris. I know he can handle himself, but it's nice to know someone else is on your side. When I would get into arguments on this BBS in the past, people would PM and IM me showing their support, but showing that support in the public forum means more to me.

I'm not a talking head, so I can't articulate my objections to some of the political speak here. I'm really just offering insight into what turned me off to this BBS. Perhaps it's led to the loss of others here, or maybe not. You can take my experience for what it's worth since I tend to come and go these days. Lots have left never to be heard from again. Whether you want them back is really up to the board as a whole. If it continues down this path, I think more and more people will leave. That's all I'm saying.
-Rob Riccardelli
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