I just bought a Logitech Harmony 900 universal remote, and, overall, I think it is a remarkable device. It is very effective and flexible, and, so far, I could go as far as I needed in terms of fine tuning for my home theatre system.

One strange thing I noticed is that when I connect my remote via USB to my PC, it is detected as "RemoteControl USB LAN LINK #2" . So, LAN?! Well, in spite of this, it all works, so, so far, I postponed any further investigation.

Today, though, Harmony Remote Software 7.7.0 started to be very slow.
At the same time, my firewall detected an "unknown network) and was blocking traffic to/form it. Such unknown network, seems to be exactly that: RemoteControl USB LAN LINK #2 .
So, I go and check and there is in fact a new LAN connection on my PC... to my Logitech remote! My PC is / , gateway being .

Does anyone know what's going on? It seems Logitech software is using some TCP/IP based method to connect remote to PC, and actually creating a LAN to that purpose?! Of course, this is rightfully upsetting my firewall.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg