Wow, I am surprised about what Bruno and Matt say, as nobody i've heard of would consider a 150 Euro remote to be connected to a PC stuff for the average joe. Indedeed they are marketed here as easily set up, and actually I would agree with that, but easily set up does not at all mean for the average joe, both in terms of device type, and in terms of price.

I may agree that Logitech is trying to attract as a wide market as possible, but that also does not imply average joe.

In any case, URC looks very interesting and indeed more high end than Harmony.

Bruno, since you own URC remotes, which one would best match Harmony 900, in particular in terms of:

1. Including IR repeater + RF to be used in closed cabinets
2. Several hard, physical buttons + software ones, but mostly physical ones to replicate as much as possible the concept of a classic remote.

And also, if you had to pick a URC model for a home theatre system including HTPC, SAT box, TV, AV Receiver, Xbox, Wii, DB/SACD player, which one would you get, ideally?

... and of course, thanks for all recommendations!

Edited by taym (27/02/2012 21:49)
Edit Reason: Thanks
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg