Yes, but the idea is to blank pixels which remain lit in order to prevent burn in.

I see what you're saying, Toby, but this would result in worse burn-in in my case.

See, the problem I have isn't the main part of the display with the track names. That changes completely every five minutes and doesn't burn.

The problem is the time-counter section of the screen. This changes constantly, so it would never blank, but it keeps cycling through the same ten digits which stay in the same area of the screen constantly.

My Mark1 has a little (faintly) burned rectangle in that area of the screen from leaving Now and Next up on the screen for a few weeks. This is the very area of the screen that wouldn't blank under your proposed scheme.

I like what he's just done with it. Although I'd like to see available numbers lower than 85% because sometimes it un-blanks when the clock goes from 0:59 to 1:00 in Now and Next mode depending on the track length.
Tony Fabris