For me, if I came home and saw that, I'd do exactly what he did (honk and such and dial 911 on my cell phone), that or drive right by and still dial 911, hoping to catch them in the cat. I'd never run up on them, gun or not. That's just asking for trouble! Either from them, or afterwards. Property can be repurchased. Lives, mine or theirs, can not.

However - I can see how having a gun on hand might still be nice. Imagine if they'd come back second time and he'd been at home asleep. Maybe they thought he left because the car was gone, when really it was in the shop. So they come in and he wakes up. Then what? Be nice to have a weapon of some sort in case they decide not to run when they realize you're actually at home.

I've pondered this a lot recently as well. I live in a fine neighborhood, about a block from some railroad tracks that separate it from a not-so-good neighborhood. Lots of apartments and sirens a half mile away. I've thought about a shotgun for the reason I mentioned above. I'm asleep one night, and I hear someone walking up the stairs. Hell, I don't actually need a gun, but a device that SOUNDS like a shotgun being pumped or a pistol being cocked. A laser pointer would be cool too, for the effect. If my mom dropped in for a surprise visit she'd scream and let me know it was her. If it was a thief I think they'd run for their lives. It's really all I would want.

I'd pray never to need to use the thing, but sure wouldn't mind having it near where I sleep at night. BTW, I have no kids to worry about using it the wrong way, if I did I might think of something else as a deterrent - which is really what I want. Not a device to kill with, but a device to get someone to leave back out of the house! And one that doesn't have to poop twice a day and get stuck in the kennel when I go out of town. Dogs are best for your neighbors to have, and you to get to play with once in a while.

On a different note, what a drag if they break in while you're gone and steal your gun


I was typing while Dave was replying. Same as what he said. Thanks, glad someone feels the same (I think is how I read that).

Edited by tracerbullet (09/12/2003 17:49)